Tuesday, June 05, 2007

Stretching out on a rock...

Hey spruce tree readers... I apologize for the lack of content lately. I was recently on vacation, and have since returned with a bit of a cold. Thus creative energies have been at a minimum. Feel free to send out some good vibes my way.

Anyway, in my attempt to get myself a bit more grounded, I decided to do some yoga at home. I was looking for some videos to inspire me. This one was lovely...

(inhale, exhale... this will keep me grounded)



Anonymous said...

If I was more awake that might have scared me.


Unknown said...

That's the same dude as in the car drive. You did fool me the first time but I've since learned. Defenses up!

Lisa Baylis said...

not even a heart rate increase... please!

Anonymous said...

okay, okay... so maybe this time it did work. As the saying goes:

Fooled you once, shame on me.
Fooled you twice, shame on you.

There is no shame for ya'll... you are just too smart.