Sunday, November 19, 2006

The Little Spruce Tree (a column)

Yee-haw! It's official. I am the newest columnist for "The Link", which is the student paper at Concordia University. It is read by at least 13 people worldwide. Next stop, "The Globe and Mail"... eat my dust Leah McLaren!

So here's my first column. It is simply an introduction to how The Little Spruce Tree started to grow. Hope you like it!

* * * *

By Dan Baylis

Welcome to the first entry of The Little Spruce Tree.

Actually, that’s a lie. Ten words into my first column and I’m already lying… shit. The truth is that The Little Spruce Tree originated almost a year ago on a chilly winter’s morning. I had a huge assignment due and I desperately needed something to help me procrastinate...

keep reading...


Anonymous said...

congradulations on being a college-level proffessional procrastinator. i always knew you had it in you.

Thai Jen said...

You're hopping on the prequel bandwagon too, eh? haha. congrats - way to spread your literary seed.

Anonymous said...

Congrads Dan!

I finally understand why you were always such a link-wh*e... 'Where are my links?!?'

Take care buddy.

Anonymous said...

Congrats, I look foward to the reads...