Sunday, March 25, 2007

Is it getting hot in here?

A recent Angus Reid poll stated that 77% of Canadians belief that Global Warming is occurring (see article).

Where do you stand on this issue? What advice do you have for Canadians?

The content of this post is your comments.


Anonymous said...

Some preliminary thoughts:

I get really annoyed by proponents of the questionable theory of global warming being merely an earth cycle. I wonder if this is being seeded by big oil which, I believe, is behind a lot of global warming denial. The earth cycle canard is a convenient way of admitting the reality of global warming while assuming no responsibility for having caused it, or for doing something about it.

I think this past Christmas woke a lot of people up. I take the 144 bus a lot, and in December, someone posted a sign up on Dr. Penfield saying "Ladies and gentlemen, this weather is not normal!" followed by some stock suggestions of what each of us can do. It wasn't just a green Christmas -- it was positively balmy.

On Christmas Day, I had to deal with a proponent of the earth cycle theory, who was spouting apocryphal tales of grapes growing in England 1,000 years ago as evidence. I wanted to ram a copy of "An Inconvenient Truth" down his throat, but you know, good will and all that.

My advice would be to learn to filter out questionable science, and to do those things -- however small -- that can effect change.

Daniel Baylis said...

Hmmm... so less people commenting than I had expected. I am left to question if it is the subject matter that is avoided or simply people not having time to comment?

Either way... my two cents:

Yes, I am with the 77% of Canadians that belief that Global Warming is occurring. I also believe that humans are responsible for it and that we have the power to change it.

I would advice Canadians to vote with their purchases.

-buy locally produced foods (so that goods do not have to travel across the world)

-use environmentally friendly household cleaners

-get involved with car-shares and use public transit

-talk about options

Anonymous said...

I don't think it's the subject matter being avoided; it's just that often with issues rooted in science, people might be more cautious in voicing opinions lest they contain, for example, erroneous information that some know-it-all will rush in to snottily refute.

But hey, I said something. Do I get a gold star? :)

Daniel Baylis said...

yes... you get many gold stars.

They were produced from recycled paper, natural inks, and biodegradable glue...

* * * * * * * * * * * * * *

(PS: I promise never to snottily refute anyone... perhaps challenge, but no attacks)

Anonymous said...

Where are you going to stick them?

Kyla said...

Just do your part, do what you can and think positively.