Sunday, September 23, 2007

[the little spruce tree] evolves

The newest feature of [the little spruce tree] is a playlist. It is a collection of tunes that provide a backdrop to your reading pleasures. It gives you the opportunity to discover a new song or artist. You are also able to load [the little spruce tree] playlist in a pop-up window and listen to all of the songs while you are working at your computer (ie: frolicking on Facebook)... just click the lower right hand of the icon on the side of this page!

Be sure to leave a comment if you find something that strikes a chord with you!

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And while you're here, make sure to vote for your favourite part of the blog... it's not just for show, it helps me understand what content is most popular.

I aim to please.



Unknown said...

I think the player should be stopped by default and allow you to start it, if you so please. Sound is more invasive than a picture in that you can choose what to look at/read but you can't easily ignore music.

Daniel Baylis said...

I did chose to have the player start automatically when the page is loaded simply to give the new application a chance to get known. I don't want the music to be ignored!

In the future I might have it as an "optional" feature on the side...

Regardless, the "stop" button is located in the top right corner for anyone who is offended by my musical choices :)