This is a short video done by a major beauty corporation. I am not really interested in promoting "DOVE", but I do think the advertising campaign that they have created straddles the line between marketing and social change.
What is real beauty to you?
Please comment.
Friday, October 20, 2006
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Natural meauty, enhanced by something non-ordinary.
Shoot, I can't even spell one sentence...
Wow, that is a powerful clip. It was kind of scary too how they transformed that girl into what I thought was something rather ugly, sci-fi looking. I think real beauty is seeing emotion on someone's face, or hearing it in their laugh, cry, or voice. Real beauty is showing love for yourself and others and not being scared to show your face/body as it is.
To me something is beautiful when it is simple. I love simple people (in a positive way!), simple music, simple things. All that artificial stuff only create artificial beauty, not the real Beauty. Beauty is everywhere, we just have to open our eyes and see a little bit deeper in everyone's eyes.
This clip shows us something we all know but we tend to forget. Thanks for the reminder Dan, this clip really opened my eyes!!!
I do like Dove's take on the real beauty and the whole campaign they've started, very out models!
PS. I have been catching up on your Blog stuff Dan, and it's got great stuff. You are a really great writer. But I have to say it....this is blog is sooooooooo DAAAAAAAAAAAN! (You can so imagine who's saying that!)
Love Kïrsten-hope my two dots show up!
Real physical beauty, to me, is a sparkle in one's eye, an authentic smile, and body posture that says "I am happy to be alive". It can be enhanced by finding one's sense of style, and feeling comfortable in one's clothes and skin.
Emotional beauty is an ability to transfer what is inside to the outside in a creative, nonthreatening, graceful way.
Intellectual beauty could be having knowledge, but also wisdom... and using it to make people smile and/or heal.
When I consider something beautiful, I think it is more of an expression of myself and present state of mind than the person or object I'm looking at.
Deciding something is beautiful, consciously or unconsciously, implies a judgement or preferences. I try not to judge, although I find it hard when my own self-esteem wanes.
We all prefer somethings to others - we'll find those things beautiful. Maybe because it fills a desire or need, maybe because it tickles to taste buds in an unexpected way. The object itself is equally worthy as anything else, but some whatever reason within us, it is chosen as beautiful.
The trick is identifying something because of the real you, not what society says you should pick.
Deep thoughts I know....:) But it's tuesday here, sorry for hurting your brains on a monday.
Real beauty to me is being proud of who you are, both inside and out. I also think physical beauty is cherishing the perceived "flaws" on your face for what they really represent. For example, wrinkles on your skin are earned over one's lifetime. They represent the life you have lived thus far. Be proud of the wrinkles you have earned...why would you want to cover up and/or take away the physical features that represent time spent living and experiencing your own life?
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