This illustration was done by a man near and dear to my heart... Mr. Leonard Cohen. For me, it sums up the never-ending process of our individual evolution. No matter how accomplished we may become, there is always the next level to attain.
And sometimes we just wish we could have a special skill or talent (that we might not ever attain), such as playing the violin or taking beautiful photos or running a 3-hour marathon or being clairvoyant.
What is your hidden, under-developed talent?
I'll get it started...
I wish I could be the deadliest break-dancer north of Philly.
Yes, laugh if you must.
There is something about my body-type that makes me doubt that this dream will ever be realized, but I long to throw my body around on the dance floor while others cheer.
Bring on the beats...
I wish I could sing...
I second the singing thing. It's not that I have pitch problems (in fact, I have perfect pitch), it's that I have a horrible singing voice. There are roles in musicals I'd love to play, like Che in Evita. I've been told I'm a natural onstage... but what's the point if when I start singing, people ask me to stop?
Hum...I wish I were a famous poet for the originality of my writing and the way I can break rules about poetry (because, I actually know almost nothing about poetry!!!)
And I wish I could produce my own acoustic album, but I still have to learn guitar correctly...and to develop my voice...and to have a better sense of rythm...hahaha...Good Luck!
It's so important to dream!
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