Tuesday, March 21, 2006

Wash it down with some bitter beer...

So I'm sensing a bit of discontentedness amoungst my network of friends in the last little while. With exams coming, the fear of inevitable job searching, the soul-crushing shackles of student debt, and that dreary season called summer just around the corner, I thought I would prescribe a pharmaceutical solution to all your worries...

Side note: Because 'The Little Spruce Tree' has been such an international phenomenon, I've created an e-mail address where you can write and request e-mail notification each time that I post. That way you can avoid all the painful disappointment when you check the blog and I've unfortunately been so busy alphabetizing my Dolly Parton CD collection that I haven't had time to write. The address is: thelittlesprucetree@hotmail.com


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